Parenting Coordination

Assisting Families with Resolving Conflict outside the Courtroom

Parenting is one of the hardest jobs there is, and unfortunately it does not come with an instruction manual.

Co-parenting can be exceptionally difficult but when there is a lack of trust, issues with communication, different parenting styles or unresolved conflict it can seem impossible. Parenting Coordination can help you move through that conflict and get to a resolution without the time and expense of court.

What is Parenting Coordination?

Parenting Coordination is a privately funded alternative dispute resolution process that assists parents with interpreting, managing or varying the terms of an existing parenting order or agreement. This can be an effective process for parents who wish to avoid returning to court repeatedly when changes need to be made or if they cannot agree on the interpretation of certain sections of their agreement as issues arise over time.

Although participants are NOT required to retain a lawyer for parenting coordination, obtaining Independent Legal Advice or having a lawyer for support is always recommended.

How does Parenting Coordination Work?

Parenting Coordination is a contract process. Parents must enter the process voluntarily and agree to a minimum term of 2 years. The authority of the Coordinator is established at the beginning of the process to determine what types of parenting issues will be addressed.

The Coordinator initially works with the parents in a mediation style format to assist the parties in coming to a resolution on their own. This helps the parties build trust and improve their communication. What is unique about the Parenting Coordination process is that should the parents fail to come to a resolution, the Coordinator has the authority to hear the arguments from both sides and then decide for them. By making a decision, the Coordinator prevents parents from continuing in drawn out conflicts with no resolution which often leads to greater bitterness and distrust. Reasons are given for why the decision was made and can be appealed in the event a party thinks the decision is unfair. A Parenting Coordinator also has the discretion to award costs against an unsuccessful party in the event the Parenting Coordinator is required to make a decision.

Parenting Coordination can be a much more cost effective and efficient process for families experiencing difficulties with co-parenting as they are not hindered by judge’s limited availability or long procedural timelines. Decisions can be made quickly, fairly, and conclusively allowing the parties to move forward and focus on the needs of their children.

Parenting issues and the Impact on Children

It has long been thought that divorce and separation have a negative impact on children. However, recent research has shown that it is not separation that impacts children, but the presence of increased conflict between parents that is leading to detrimental effects on children. These effects include an increased likelihood of developing anxiety, depression, substance dependence and/or abuse, struggles to form and maintain healthy relationships into adulthood, insecure attachment, less emotional resilience, self-harm and behavioural issues. When conflict can be reduced or avoided these risks decrease significantly.

While it is difficult to co-parent with someone you personally have issues working with, please remember your children are the ones that suffer the most in these circumstances.

If you are experiencing high levels of conflict in your separation, Parenting Coordination may be right for you. Please contact our office or more information about how you can get started.