
Mediation is primarily about resolving conflict in a manner that is agreeable to all participants. A trained mediator can help you explore what matters are most important to you, what values all participants can agree upon and what possible solutions are available. The biggest advantages to mediation are that it allows participants to maintain control of the process and is often faster and cheaper than court. Unlike a trial, no decision will be forced upon you at mediation. All mediated resolutions need the consent of all participants involved which makes them longer lasting, co-operative commitments.

Mediation is generally framed as an alternative to court

Mediation, an alternative to court?

Participants can use mediation to help resolve conflict at any time. Often mediation can prevent the need to proceed to court altogether. However, once the court process has started, mediation can help narrow the issues or resolve the matter before needing a trial.

This is particularly helpful in family matters where the court is less equipped to deal with personal parenting choices or the needs and concerns of your specific family. Mediation allows for flexible and unique agreements that reflect you and represent your values.

W&P Law encourages reasonable settlement whenever possible. This spares participants the emotional toll and animosity of a court trial, saves time, saves money and hopefully preserves the ability to work together in the future.

Certified Family & Child Inclusive Mediator - Katherine Lambert

After years of seeing the challenges families face in the legal system, Katherine wanted to assist clients in a more meaningful way. By working as both a court connected mediator and with private clients, she was able to have a more direct impact on guiding families towards resolution. Through mediation, Katherine provides a less contentious option to resolve conflict and allows participants more control over decisions that affect their family.

We were thrilled to have Katherine join W&P Law in January 2024 as a full-time accredited family mediator and child inclusive mediator. Her depth of experience and practical approach to resolution serves her clients well. Katherine continues to expand her skill set to assist families and children in as many ways as possible so that all families can receive the services and support they need to thrive.


Trained Family & Child Inclusive Mediator - Margaret Waddington

Margaret has been practicing family law for approximately 6 years. She is also trained in domestic violence screening and makes every effort to ensure that mediations are safe for all parties involved regardless of their circumstances. Margaret works collaboratively with families, empowering them to explore unique solutions for their particular family unit. Participants from all family structures, communities, cultures and religions are welcome and respected in her mediation practice.

W&P Law provides predictable flat fee rates for half day or full day mediations. Flat fees include separate introduction meetings with all participants and a follow up report after the mediation session. Mediation sessions can be held online or at our offices.